told ya so…

See, he is tiny! Just look at him next to daddy!

In the top photo, he is wearing a size 12 months shirt and 18 months shorts. He’ll be 18 months on the 31st. Actually, he isn’t that tiny. He is wearing all of Carter’s clothes from last summer so, he is the size Carter was 1 year ago and since they are 13 months apart that makes sense. Carter has always been 80-90% on the charts so, Kwasi is on the bigger side for children his age, but he is by no means, anywhere near Carter’s size as someone asked 😉

We left our baby, Carter, home with Grandma and Grandpa. When we returned, he has turned into a big ol’ preschooler! It’s amazing how spending just a few days with Kwasi made Carter seem so big!



  1. oh me doddness, my heart hurts just looking at all that cuteness. freakin' adorable.

  2. New ones always make the older ones seem huge! Our boys look gigantic now! I'm glad to hear that his growth is normal 🙂 A benefit of a foster home! Hope it isn't too much longer before you can bring him home, he sure is a cutie!

  3. I wonder why they always look so big in the pictures? He is adorable, hopefully he will be home with you soon:)

  4. How sweet and hugable is Mr Coen? I'm also trying very hard to be patient for his soon to be arrival.

  5. LOVING the pictures!!!!
    Gramma Cupcake

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