What I wore

stitch fix 2 www.tuckinginsuperheroes.com

Did you hear my squeal on Sunday when I got home from the lake and saw my stitch fix box in the mailbox?! It was so hard NOT to open it prior to unloading the kids and the car and getting everyone fed, bathed and to bed. Ok, it was impossible. I opened it, went […]

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My day job

  Lately I’ve been posting about our DIY projects and some may be wondering where the heck my kids are. They are here. Trust me. The only way I have been able to get any of these projects done (or half done) is by working on things when they go to bed at night or […]

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What I wore Wednesday

what I wore Wednesday tuckinginsuperheroes.com

I’d like to say I was being creative when these photos were taken. That I wanted the diagonal line of where the house meets the driveway to skew the lines of the aluminum siding and contrast my polka-dots. But that would all be a lie. My 4 year old took these for me with my […]

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Hall lights

hall lights tuckinginsuperheroes.com

In an effort to avoid completing the downstairs bathroom, I turned my attention to the ugly hall lights upstairs that can be seen the moment you walk in the front door of our home.           Is anyone going to argue that they needed some attention? They even seemed to be hung […]

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The fart machine

fart machine 2 www.tuckinginsuperheroes.com

Papa has a fun little toy at the lake house. A toy that the boys think is HILARIOUS! It’s a … well.. it’s a.. fart machine.   Yes. It is exactly what it sounds like. It has a remote and makes horrible noises from a distance. The boys cannot get enough of it and the […]

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What I wore – Stitch Fix

stitch fix www.tuckinginsuperheroes.com

This week’s “what I wore” is a bit different because I’m going to show you a few items that I have worn or am planning on wearing after receiving my fix from Stitch Fix!   What is Stitch Fix? So glad you asked. It is the answer to one of my biggest problems. How the […]

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A mouse in a sea of cookies

white room farmhouse www.tuckinginsuperheroes.com

You’ve heard me say it before, if you give a mouse a cookie.. well.. I’m a mouse and this house is full of cookies.   I know. I told you I would complete the bathroom and give you the final reveal. I also promised part 2 of the playroom reveal. You should know by now, […]

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What I wore Wednesday

what I wore 1 tuckinginsuperheroes.com

Lately I’ve been trying to hip-it-up a little bit. It seems like I had gotten stuck in tunics and black leggings. You know, comfy clothes. Not quite “yoga” clothes ’cause who am I kidding, I don’t yoga, but comfy clothes that I could still wear my brown boots with or “running” clothes – as if […]

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Lake buddies

Remember these two with their grandmas?       Now those two are these two.   Reagan’s grandparents own the  lake house right next door to Carter’s grandparents’ lake house and these two are the best of lake buddies. Each summer they jump right back in where they left off as if no time has […]

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Playroom reveal part 1

playroom1 tuckinginsuperheroes.com

I think at some point I mentioned that we decided that the playroom would be our first task at the new house. We did this for a few reasons. 1)We thought it would be the most used room (and it is)  2) Keaton was getting ready to crawl and the carpet was n-a-s-t-y. This, with […]

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