First Day of school

This summer went by way too fast and my little guys aren’t even in school full-time yet. They both started back at preschool yesterday attending two mornings each week. Man, was it an adjustment to  HAVE to be somewhere by 8:30. I mean, we are up and out of the house by 8:30 on most […]

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1 year

One year of Keaton:   I cannot believe it has been an entire year. It really did fly. We all adore our littlest man. He is full of smiles and giggles and makes all of our days brighter.

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Keaton’s big month

We knew it was just a matter of time before our baby turned into a big boy right before our eyes, but this one did it too quickly. He took his first step in August and then went straight to walking and riding shotgun in the boys’ truck.   He just loves playing […]

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This might be the longest that I’ve neglected my blog. It’s not that there hasn’t been anything to write about, on the contrary, we have been moving from one event to the next all while trying to get ready for Keaton’s birthday party (translation: getting our house that is in no way ready – ready). […]

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First steps

Big week at our house. Coen learns to ride a bike and Keaton takes his first steps! They boys are growing up way too fast!   He still isn’t too interested in walking, but will do it if you set him up and give him a target. I love how proud he is of himself […]

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Easy as riding a bike

At 3 1/2, Coen is our first bike rider in the family! His daredevil personality definitely gave him an advantage over his older brother who is just too much like his mother.  Coen decided that he was going to ride that bike and that is what he did. He practiced and practiced with the training […]

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The boys’ take on a baby

**Written July 19   Tonight when Chris got back from his week-long fishing trip, I showed him the latest ultrasound photos. A few minutes later, Carter joined us at the table, talking a-mile-a-minute about 4-year-old stuff. As he did, he picked up the ultrasound photo and was looking at it, almost subconsciously. He then ended […]

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My daredevil

With Daddy out of town on business and Carter spending some time with Grandma and Papa, I had one pretty down #2. Even a strawberry milkshake and tickling wasn’t getting this guy to smile. We usually don’t buy any toys throughout the year since they get so much at Christmas and their birthday from all […]

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Missing in action

pregnancy announcement

So, I’ve been MIA for a bit. We’ve had a lot going on. Chris was gone for a week leaving me with the boys which always leaves me feeling like I’ve just climbed Mt. Everest when he returns. Then, we had home renovations going on for about a week while new flooring was installed in […]

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Math whiz

This guy, he kind of blows my mind.     He still gets the alphabet a little jumbled, but at 4 1/2, he can do math in his head – no fingers here – and even do written out math problems of addition (ex: 2+3 = ?, 4+4=?, etc.) . He might be taking after […]

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