Coen: Dad, I know that Nick is your brother, but who is your other brother? Me: Daddy only has one brother. Coen: only one brother?! Happy Mother’s Day If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our email. You’ll receive an email only when we publish something new to check out! Enter your […]
[Continue reading...]The little brothers
Oh how I worried that Keaton would not do well with Kacher! He was the baby and I just knew that bringing a new baby home would throw him for a tailspin. You’ve got to love when you are totally wrong about what you think your kids will do. Keaton has been the most excited […]
[Continue reading...]Kacher smiles!
Can you even believe that Kacher is already 2 months and 11 days old?! Me neither. We had his 2 months appointment yesterday ’cause you know, when you’re #4 you’re lucky if Mom even takes you to the doctor. Dr. V. says he is doing great! He weights 12 pounds 9 ounces and is 23 […]
[Continue reading...]Happy Easter

Man, are we busy around here! I’m working on a pretty major project (post to come) in between feeding, bathing, napping and driving my kids to preschool. To hold you over, here is a little tidbit from our Easter egg hunt.
[Continue reading...]The grass is always greener

Sometimes I think about different arguments and jealousies that we might encounter with four boys over the years. Someone will be better at a sport. Someone will do better in a school subject. And, of course, someone will be the chosen guy by the pretty girl (Lord help us on that one). Never did I […]
[Continue reading...]Sneak peek

After months of a ripped up front yard, we are finally making some headway. The boys like to watch the workers (all happen to be hispanic) from the dining room. Coen: Mom! He has skin like me! Carter: And those two have skin like me! Hmmm.umm.. sort of.
[Continue reading...]He did that yesterday
Carter: can I have more to eat? Me: sure, you can have some fruit. Do you want an apple or banana? Carter (whining): but I had fruit yesterday! Me: then I guess you’re done. Go brush your teeth. Carter: I already did last night. *** can somebody explain to him that today is a new […]
[Continue reading...]Dugger style

The boys can be helpful.. When they want to be… At bath time tonight I walked into the bathroom to see this little guy on the potty Apparently his brothers decided it was time for him to use it and they got him all set up and cheered him on. Pretty sure we have another […]
[Continue reading...]Mother of the year

As I near the 7 week mark of my tenure as a mother of 4, I figure it is time to document what life is like at the moment. This post is timely as I was just recently named recipient of the loathed Mother of the Year Award. In short, I’m drowning. Overwhelmed and drowning, […]
[Continue reading...]What a difference a year makes. . or doesn’t
We have officially lived in our house for 1 year. It seems crazy. I feel like I can no longer use the excuse “we just moved here” to explain away all of its imperfections. My mom assures me that no one else sees them the way that I do and she might be right. Afterall, […]
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