More paperwork THE paperwork

It's here! The massive stack of paperwork and instructions is here! Weare going to go into our hurry mode again followed by some occasionalwaiting times and then finally we we do the real waiting on the waitlist. Right now, we are still trying to prove that we would be goodparents. If you’re new here, you […]

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Suggested reading

I just finished reading "There is no me without you" and I have say,it is one if the best books I've ever read. The book is a true story of an Ethiopian woman who starting taking inorphans off the street because they had nowhere else to go. She didn'thave the room or the money to […]

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Passport expedited

Wow. It really did come quickly! It’s kind of sad to see a completelyblank passport. It was always fun to look at all my stamps to rememberwhere I’ve been. No, you cannot see my passport photo.

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So, it sounds like the paperwork chase will take at least 2 months to complete all due to the FBI fingerprinting. We have to hurry up and get it done and then wait 8-10 weeks for the results. Once we have the results, we can send in our I-600a and wait some more to be […]

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Just an update

Yesterday I talked with our home study agent and we are all set to meet later this month. She’ll be sending a packet of paperwork (shocker) that we need to complete prior to the meeting. Today, I spoke with our new agency and they emailed me a tons of paperwork. I filled it out ridiculously […]

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Big changes already

Prior to signing up with our current agency, I called and asked them about the timeline for our adoption. We were told 18-24 months. Wow. Longer than we thought. We had thought 12-18 months, but we knew we’d be as quick with the paperwork as possible so, we’d be on the 18 months side of […]

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With my mind constantly on Ethiopia lately, I couldn’t help by grab up these flip flops from the clearance rack on Michael’s today. They were only $.40 each pair. Surely, we could afford a few pair of shoes for orphans at $.40 each! If you’re so inclined, you could run to your Michael’s and do […]

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First payment

We made our first payment (other than the application fee) today to cover our homestudy and the agency’s fees. There’s no going back now!

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Although we haven’t shared our news with many people, we do already have a list of some frequently asked questions. Why not just answer them here? So, you’ve given up on having biological children?No. We will likely try again at some point to have a biological child, but this is the path that we feel […]

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A delivery!!!

I’ve heard that the adoption waiting game can get crazy, but so soon, really? Since I found out that our references were contacted on Friday, I was really hoping to get our own packet in the mail Saturday, but no. Monday, I went to the mailbox to check and sure enough, there it was! So, […]

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