We’re still here

The home study is pretty much done at this point and we are just waiting on the fingerprints. I called the FBI again this week and was told it’s taking 8-10 weeks. This would be GREAT as we are closing in on the 8 week mark, but the guy last week told me 12 so…. […]

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A bit frustrated

It started with the home study which went fine and our social worker actually got her part done the very same day. This excitement was damped when I confirmed that we do have to wait for the national fingerprinting while almost everyone else gets to just do a state clearance which takes 1-2 weeks. I […]

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We’re going to have 2 children

Common sense statement, I realize, but it really hit me the other night. Carter was pretty sick with a cold and had a horrible time sleeping. He woke up a bit before midnight, hot & sweaty, unable to breath through his nose, and just needing to be held.  I felt so badly for him imagining […]

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Homestudy done – sort of…

We had our 2nd and final meeting with our social worker today to answer the remaining questions needed to complete the homestudy report. From here, she will complete the report (about a week), email it to our agency for review and feedback (maybe a week?), and then give it to her agency for review, feedback […]

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Whew! Close one!

So, we’re still just waiting. Waiting for our next home study meeting, waiting for our fingerprinting results, waiting… I was going over our paperwork AGAIN today and started looking into the whole getting our papers “sealed” by the state. The state seal is basically, if I have this correct, having the state verify the notarization […]

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How to help

The more I learn about Ethiopia, the more I want to find some way to help and to stay connected long after we bring our child home. To that end, I started researching to try to find an organization that Chris and I can commit to rather than sending donations to many different organizations. I […]

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I'm snuggling up with what I hope are good books. I'll let you know.

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Home study meeting #1

We’ve completed our first home study visit!! For those that don’t know, the home study is basically a report about the family and the home which is used to determine if you will be allowed to adopt. It starts with paperwork – birth certificates, marriage certificate, child abuse background checks for every state you’ve live […]

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Paperwork details

So, some want to know – what exactly is all this paperwork? Well… here is a list of SOME of it: ALL OF THIS HAS TO BE NOTARIZED Power of Attorney – so that our agency can move faster for us if neededDossier Affidavit – Table of contents for all paperwork stating it is the […]

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Our not so secret blog

We started this blog when we started our adoption journey. Today, we announced our plans on our family blog so, there doesn’t seem to be a reason to keep this one password protected anymore! If you’re new here, you might want to start at the beginning – there aren’t too many posts. That way you […]

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