Home study DONE!!!

Isn’t it beautiful?! I almost cried when I saw it in our stack of mail. And, I only had to go to the mailbox twice today to check for it!!! Now, as soon as Carter gets up from his nap, we are off to drop our UPS envelope in the drop-box!!! If you’re new here, […]

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The idiot

Who’s the idiot who checked the mailbox 4 times today to see if her home study arrived? Yep. Me. I love veterans, I just wish the mailman would deliver the mail to my house before celebrating Veteran’s Day 🙂

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Next steps

Ok. So I know some of you are wondering “You’ve got the fingerprints, now what?” so, here is what is still ahead: Our social worker is getting our home study and 6 copies printed by the agency that she contracts with (our agency said we need this many copies). Once done, we’ll get a copy […]

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Fingerprints arrived today! Can I get an amen? Sent from my iPhone

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New information

Here’s a little update about a portion of the process that has changed a bit – our agency just sent this along to everyone “in-process” 1) Court Procedure- When the court process changed in May of this year, two court hearings were being scheduled. The purpose of the first one was to have the birth […]

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A good place to be

Lately I’ve been catching myself thinking of how great I have it! This is by no means a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. I’ve just been appreciating everyday of this “paper pregnancy”. I have a couple of friends who are pregnant and look oh-so-adorable with their bumps. There is a little twinge inside me […]

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This is funny. No really, it is.

The fingerprints were done on Wednesday so, why does the UPS tracking number say they haven’t been sent yet? Another call to the FBI confirms that it could take them up to a week to mail them once completed. Yep, even with a prepaid envelope, it takes them a week after they clear you to […]

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Hip Hip Hooray!

Our fingerprints are on their way to our social worker!!!! I called to check and was told that they were processed yesterday, but when I checked the UPS tracking number, it didn’t show that they have moved yet so, I’m crossing my fingers that someone forgot to scan the package and they will arrive tomorrow […]

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Sweet Diana at the FBI called today to say they found our prints and are going to process them! They searched and have rescued them! All other paperwork is ready in a paid UPS envelope to go out the day they arrive!

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GREAT news!!!

I just got a call from the FBI. Normally, a person would not consider this a great thing, but today, today it was truly GREAT!  Sweet, kind, nice Diana called to let me now that they will be expediting our fingerprint requests thanks to Patty Murray, our senator, making the request. Diana thought we didn’t […]

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