Do you see what I see? Right there, in the middle of the massive stack of mail that I found in the mailbox after not visiting it since maybe Thursday…. Yep! It is our 171!!! This is the notice that says that the government thinks we would be OK parents. We wanted our approval to […]

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Eric Ludy – Depraved Indifference

There isn’t much I can say about this video. It is very powerful all by itself. I have balled my eyes out both time I’ve watched it so, let that be your warning. It is a bit long, but it hits hard for parents about 2 minutes in… We started this process to adopt a […]

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All over the web you can see adoptive parents’ referral videos. They are sitting in front of a computer and burst into tears when they first see a photo of their little one. Don’t think that is likely to happen to us. So, after dealing with the headaches that are adoption agencies, I decided to […]

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Fingerprints done!

When we first heard that our appointment with USCIS would be December 22nd, it seemed SOOOOO far away! Now, I can’t believe we have it all behind us. I expected a DMV or Social Security office situation, but was pleasantly surprised when we arrived at our appointment. We were able to park RIGHT in front […]

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The update

Where to begin… The last few weeks we have been on a bit of a roller coaster. I’ve been writing about it to be able to have record of what this journey has been like, but we weren’t ready to share what has been going on until now. If you want to catch up, you […]

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Catching up

Ok.. I’m writing this about a week after the fact as it has taken me that long to be able to write about this. Since I last wrote about Ghana and Little Miss, we have had nothing but more heartache from this new agency (email me if you want to know who they are). I […]

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Forget the mailbox

I got tired of waiting in the rain so I emailed USCIS. Good news! Apparently we have fingerprint appointments December 22nd! Now we just need the actual notice to arrive in the mail so that we know what time and where.

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If you need me….

I’ll be waiting by the mailbox. I cannot believe that we haven’t received our fingerprint appointments yet! I know they can take awhile, but the other family that we know is exactly one week ahead of us (they sent in their I-600A one week before us) and following their timeline, we should have gotten our […]

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Emotionally drained after just 3 1/2 months

It exhausts me just thinking about writing this post, but if we really want to capture this journey for our child, I need to document the craziness that has been this past week. So, just a couple weeks ago life was great. We were slowly moving along the long adoption process, but moving. Then, I […]

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What most of you probably don’t know

I’m officially at “that point” in my life. I’m a mom, with a small child and I watch Oprah. There, I said it. Now that it’s out there – she recently did an episode about HIV and AIDS today and showed clips from a show she did back in the ’80s. It was crazy watching […]

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