Don’t judge me

So I have all these amazing dresses ready to go to Ghana. If I can’t take them all on this trip, I want to take the sizes that will benefit the most girls. Each bag of dresses has any where from 12-20 dresses and the size is listed right on the bag. So nice, but […]

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Little Dresses for Africa

Today I received 3 boxes FULL of dresses and “britches” for the children in Africa. If you haven’t done so already, you need to check out this organization. I don’t even know how many I received yet – I’ll find out when I pack them for the trip in air-tight bags to give more space. […]

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Busy, busy, busy

Sorry for not posting. Things have been a bit hectic around here as I prepare to go to Ghana and Chris prepares for his business trip in Mexico. I’m excited about all the stuff I’m taking to donate to the children and will post some more photos as the remaining items arrive. I was able […]

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Ready for this?

Really, are you ready for this? I’m hardly ready for this. I’m going to Ghana. Wow. I typed it. Does that make it more real or what?! Backing it up a bit… We’ve been matched, yes! This is not an adoption trip. Not really anyway. We were matched back on January 25th and have been […]

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Getting ready

We’ve started getting things in order for our first trip to Ghana. Once you get a referral, you could be expected in Ghana in as little as two weeks or as long as 3 months later for the court date. If you know me (and Chris for that matter), I already have my to-do and […]

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Dentist donations!

I had to go to the dentist today and took the opportunity to timidly ask him for any donations he might be able to provide for me to take to the children in Ghana on our trip. Dr. Kim came back with two bags full of toothpaste and the cutest kids’ toothbrushes I’ve ever seen. […]

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Orphanage information/update

First, I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to donate to this amazing cause! We have a LONG way to go to complete the puzzle, but we’re on the right track. I’m still waiting for the puzzle to actually arrive, and then I’ll get it put together (wish me luck) and start […]

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Help build an orphanage

The majority of our friends and family are not in a situation to be able to adopt a child. For those that are, it isn’t a simple decision to make. It is a life changing decision and it’s not for everyone. That said, so many of our friends have asked how they can help make […]

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Dossier submitted!

We’ve had our dossier done and ready to go to Ghana for a while now, but our contact in Ghana was going to be out of town for 3 weeks and I was a bit worried to send it and have it arrive while he was out so, I just sent it off today. I […]

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I heard back from our guy in Ghana and fortunately/unfortunately, the children he had mentioned have a father. The really good news is that this completely confirms our trust in this organization. He had been told that the father was deceased, but doing his due diligence, he found that this was not the case. Which […]

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