UjimaCare Foundation Orphanage New photos in the updates version of my orphanage video đŸ™‚ If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our email. You’ll receive an email only when we publish something new to check out! Enter your email address: .
[Continue reading...]Thank you
A big shout out to all of you who prayed for electricity! The report was printed, the lawyer contacted so… there is no reason that court should not happen tomorrow. Of course, this is Ghana so… I’m sure there are plenty of reasons that it might get delayed so… more prayers requested. Thanks!
[Continue reading...]Pray for electricity
Apparently we are waiting on a report from Social Welfare that is ready, but still needs to be printed. The problem is, the electricity is out over there again. PLEASE pray that the electricity is on tomorrow so that they can print the document and we can go to court on Thursday!
[Continue reading...]UjimaCare Foundation Orphanage
UjimaCare Foundation Orphanage Such amazing process in just the couple of days that I was at the construction site. This will be an amazing home for a number of children. If you would like to help, you can click “donate” on the right side of this page to donate directly to the construction of the […]
[Continue reading...]No court…
I’m so bummed today. 2 weeks ago I was in Ghana and was told that for sure, our case would go to court by today. Today has come and gone in Ghana. No court. I asked about the delay and was told it was Social Welfare. I asked if it will then take place next […]
[Continue reading...]Orphanage update
[Continue reading...]Court…
Tomorrow Kofi is supposed to be representing us in court in Ghana. If you have some extra prayers, please direct them our way. There is so much that could delay the process that having court go smoothly tomorrow would truly be a blessing!
[Continue reading...]It’s A God Thing
This entire journey has been a lesson in patience. Every step of the way, there is waiting. It can be frustrating and yet, I know that every unexpected turn has been a “God Thing.” Do you know what I mean? One of those things that when it happens you wondering WHY? WHY? WHY? and then, […]
[Continue reading...]Who wore it better?

The dresses provided by Little Dresses for Africa were a huge success! So many little girls benefited in the foster home, but also in remote villages. I think we’ll have to call this one a tie between Annabell and Nadia sporting their red dresses. These two are even cuter in-person! Sorry Carter. I think Nadia […]
[Continue reading...]A short break..
I need to take a minute away from packing and hopefully, when I go back to the pile of items that I desperately want to take to Ghana, they will magically all fit into the 2 bags that Delta will allow. So, my break consisted of reading other adoptive mom’s blogs. One of my favorites […]
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