If you think that a paper pregnancy allows you to by-pass the nausea, thinks again. I’m honestly sick to my stomach. I was told Friday that again the birth certificate was not available but that our coordinator had been promised Monday. I called today and was told that the only guy working on the birth […]
[Continue reading...]update
Today was a hard one for me. Another Friday has come and gone without a birth certificate. I think what makes this hard is 1)I am continually told that we will have it “by Friday” 2)This isn’t supposed to be the long part of the process. So, if this is the fast/short part, what does […]
[Continue reading...]My lil’ world traveler

The nursery is officially done! This weekend I went through all of Carter’s old clothes and organized Coen’s closet to be full of clothes and shoes that *might* fit him. It was fun to see Carter’s old clothes, but sad to remember when they were too big for him. Now I’m hoping they aren’t too […]
[Continue reading...]Adoption news
We got our corrected adoption decree the Friday before last and were told it would be a week to get the birth certificate. At the end of the week, we were told that due to Easter, it would be another week. Today, I am told that the birth certificate office is waiting on something from […]
[Continue reading...]Living in Ghana continued
This home is located next door to the main foster home. A mother and her 10 children live there. One of her children now lives in the foster home and a very blessed family is welcoming him into their family in the U.S. The sweet baby crying is the woman’s granddaughter. All of her children […]
[Continue reading...]Living in Ghana
Life is settling down a bit so I’m finally adding some video from my Ghana trip. A lot of people want to know what the foster home is like. This is a video of it! This is the main foster home in Kwahu. At the time, there were roughly 10 children living there with the […]
[Continue reading...]Sick baby

I got an email this morning letting us know that Coen had been taken to the hospital and treated for malaria. He is back in his village now with medication and seems to be doing OK. We are so blessed that his foster mother is taking care of him and knew when to call our […]
[Continue reading...]1/2 prayers
Well, it looks like we only had half the prayers we needed 🙂 The adoption decree is ready, but won’t be picked up until Monday. Also, it looks like it will be another week for the birth certificate.
[Continue reading...]Some news!
I got a message from our coordinator that we should have our corrected adoption decree and the birth certificate on Friday. Pray, pray, pray please!
[Continue reading...]A baby gift and a project

We got our first baby gift and I’m so excited about it! I had to take a picture of the adorable wrap job: Inside were the letters needed to spell Coen’s name. I cannot wait to “do them up” to match the nursery! Thanks Grandma Cupcake, they’re perfect!
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