I’m losing my mind. When I went to Ghana last, I went ahead and got malaria meds for both Chris and I. Chris didn’t end up going the following month so, I carefully placed his malaria meds where they would be sure NOT to be forgotten when we did head to Ghana and out-of-sight for […]
[Continue reading...]http://www.tuckinginsuperheroes.com/97/
Carter has been talking about “ki ki” and his coming home for a while now. He gets that Coen is a “baby” but old enough to play with, hence constantly talking about wanting to play golf with him. He knows that Coen is in Africa. He knows that it takes an airplane to get there. […]
[Continue reading...]We’re going to Ghana!
I’m thrilled, yes, but I have to be clear – we will NOT be bringing Coen home on this trip. When I was in Ghana in March, I was told it would be 2-3 months until he came home. Chris was supposed to travel in April to apply for the passport and get his chance […]
[Continue reading...]M.I.A.
Sorry to be so MIA. We appreciate all of you wanting to stay updated on our adoption and we have had some *stuff* going on with it lately, but honestly, I’ve been too depressed to write about it. Like mama says “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” It’s […]
[Continue reading...]Allow me to translate
http://www.youtube.com/get_player So, it turns out he DOES get it. He isn’t completely playing mommy with the “kiki home” thing. He really wants Kiki here and understands that he is a little person that he will play with. Ugh! That makes it that much harder when he cries for him.
[Continue reading...]How much longer?
This is the most common question I get. The answer: we have no clue! I actually got the birth certificate yesterday. I’m happy to have it, but was alarmed to see a different name listed as the birth father. Not just a different first or last name, a completely different name and occupation. My heart […]
[Continue reading...]We’ve got it, I think
I didn’t hear anything on Friday so I called our coordinator. Turns out he had good news! The birth certificate people called and told him the certificate is ready! He was out of town so, he’ll go and get it on Monday. I’ll take it! Now, on to the passport and I-600
[Continue reading...]Ouch
I think I’m being played here. This is what Carter has turned to doing when he is upset or when mommy says “no”. Boy, does he know where to hit mommy so it hurts. http://www.youtube.com/get_player http://www.youtube.com/get_player http://www.youtube.com/get_player
[Continue reading...]Promises promises
Still nothing. I talked to our coordinator yesterday and he was afraid that the office had lost our 2nd application for a birth certificate. The first one, from a month ago.. well, the agent in charge of that one got married and is on her honeymoon. Apparently once it is assigned to an agent, no […]
[Continue reading...]Another week
Yep, another week. No birth certificate. I’m sick, upset and well.. pissed. I’m furious that I’m continually told I will get it within a few days and then get nothing. I’m even more upset that today I got an email saying that our coordinator was at the birth certificate office and that he would get […]
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