Carter and Kwasi

Carter: Smiles ALL the timeHas to sleep in his own bed or he has trouble sleepingSleeps all nightRubs his eyes when he’s tiredTell him “no” and the thought that he has been naughty might bring him to tearsHe will go to anyone. Seriously. He would go home with a complete stranger if they just smile […]

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More news…

I’m fully of news today. You’ll have to check out our family blog for this bit since it isn’t really adoption related, but definitely Ghana/Kwasi related.

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Waiting to hurry

Now that we are getting closer to the BIG trip, I’m frantically thinking of all the things that I really should have done before becoming a mom of a 1 and 2 year old. The biggest thing on my list is making sure that we are as stress-free when we return as possible. I don’t […]

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July 15

Back in May I started thinking about July 15th. I can’t explain why, it just hit me that today would be a big deal. At first I was hopefully that July 15th would be the day that we would be picking up Kwasi in Ghana. At some point in June and gave up on that […]

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On our way!

Our visa packet was picked up today at the embassy and I immediately emailed and requested an interview appointment. Cross all your fingers and toes that we get a date set soon!

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told ya so…

See, he is tiny! Just look at him next to daddy! In the top photo, he is wearing a size 12 months shirt and 18 months shorts. He’ll be 18 months on the 31st. Actually, he isn’t that tiny. He is wearing all of Carter’s clothes from last summer so, he is the size Carter […]

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Something to hold you over

I haven’t had time to upload all the photos yet as we got back Thursday and then went out of town Friday so, this will have to do for now:

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We finally got the email from the Embassy saying that we can pick up our visa packet!!! It has to be picked up on a Wednesday AFTER 2 pm. We tried going in for the paperwork last Wednesday and waited about an hour and half to be told that since we had not gotten this […]

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New photo!!

Thank goodness for other adoptive parents and agency coordinators who travel to Ghana! We just got this photo of our sweet little man from one who cared enough to take the time and snap a picture and send it along. We have been so blessed that they have been able to see and take pictures […]

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Sorry for the noise

So sorry if you just heard me screaming from Vancouver, Washington. I got a little bit excited to see this in our mail today: Whoo hoo! We have our I-600 approval!!! And, I spoke with our coordinator today and he got the birth certificate changed a couple of days ago. So, the steps now: we […]

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