The Blog Class

So, what do you think of my new blog look? I’m loving it! For a while now I’ve wanted something more “professional” looking and something more creative than The Roberts House. When I saw that Emily at Jones Design Company was offering an online blog class teaching all the ins and outs of blogging, I […]

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Pumpkin Patch Time of Year

Well hello there! If you’re new to my blog, welcome. If we go way back, thanks for stopping by! Can you believe I’m starting a new blog? Me neither! This blog will be different from our family blog in that it will focus more on crafts, decorating and how I try to survive as a […]

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Nesting in high gear

Man, oh man! My nesting is in high gear lately. We are in the process of playing musical rooms upstairs moving Carter to the guest room and the nursery to Carter’s old room and turning Coen’s room into his own big boy room – photos to come! Chris won’t let me do much heavy lifting […]

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Planter turned bookshelf

So many projects going on right now in all three boys’ rooms. Carter is pretty settled, but he has nothing up on his walls yet. I came across a flower planter at a garage sale for $3 and decided I could turn it into two bookshelves. Even better, the color works well in Carter’s room […]

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We're home and everything has been amazing so far! I'll post more when/if my 2 wild little men take a nap!

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In HIS time

Carter was born on Christmas Eve, but Kwasi seems to be our real holiday baby. I first met him on MY BIRTHDAY We passed court on ST. PATRICK’S DAY Chris met him on the 4TH OF JULY and as we got closer and closer, I just KNEW our pick-up trip would be over LABOR DAY. […]

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Big changes coming

Duh. Of course big changes are coming. We know what changes are coming and are excited/freaked out. Kwasi however, doesn’t know. At nineteen months, he likely doesn’t even know that he is being adopted, that soon he will leave his home and come live with us. Having Esinam with us the past two weeks has […]

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It’s real

I did it. I booked our tickets. We are going to pick up our son and bring him home. It’s crazy. We leave in less than 2 weeks – September 8th at the crack of dawn. We will barely be there since we arrive the 9th at noon and leave again on the 11th at […]

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What is IN these suitcases?!

***Pics to come I had a great lunch today with some awesome people! In addition to the monetary donations that some very generous friends and family made, Christina and Sommer went out of their way to purchase a TON of school supplies AND bags for me to take them to Ghana in!!!!! After dropping Esinam […]

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It’s happening

I can’t believe it is really happening. Our POA was told today at the embassy that Kwasi’s visa will be granted and will be printed soon. I really just can’t believe it. This has seemed like such a long journey and yet, I know, start to finish it will have been less than 13 months. […]

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