
If you’re thrown by the post title, you might be in better shape than me. C25K stands for couch to 5k. There are many training programs and apps for your iPhone as well, to help you seriously go from  yes, the couch, to running a 5k.   When I had Carter almost 4 years ago […]

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Carbon copy?

Not the greatest picture of Keaton (his hat is rolled up a bit and the lighting isn’t great..), but they definitely look like brothers, huh? When I pulled up the photos of Carter, he was next to me and was saying, “Oh, Keaton! He’s so cute!” He was a bit surprised when I told him […]

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Happy Halloween!

October 31st. Has it really been 2 months since this cute little piglet made his debut? So far it is true what they say, once you have two kids, adding the third is nothin’, especially if the third is like Keaton. He is the sweetest little baby man. Now that he has made it through […]

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Keaton Update

One day (soon, I hope) I’ll be back to blogging regularly. For now, I’ll just have to play catch up. Here’s the latest on Little K Man: Auntie got this special shirt for Keaton.                                            […]

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Carter’s birth story

Since I have shared Keaton’s birth story and Coen’s entire adoption story, I figured I better catch up new readers on Carter’s birth story as well. A mom has got to be fair, right? Originally posted here: http://therobertshouse.blogspot.com/2008/12/carters-story.html Let’s see, where did we leave off? Ah yes, I was completely stressed out that Carter would be […]

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Heard in the frat house

This week in our “Heard in the frat house” series…   Me: Carter you’ve got a boogie hanging out of  your nose (as I had him a kleenex). Carter: That’s OK mom. We’ll just leave it there.

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What’s in a name..

For all of our boys, we’ve chosen their middle name first. With Carter, we decided that we wanted his middle name to have some significance.. At the time, the most important day of our lives was our wedding day. Rev. Michael O’Reilly married us in South Lake Tahoe. It was a beautiful ceremony. Although we […]

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Our latest birth story

August 31st was gorgeous. Sunny and clear. I could hardly sleep, in part due to discomfort and in part due to the anticipation. It seemed like I was looking at the clock every hour. I finally got up around six and got showered as the boys watched a cartoon. Grandma Cupcake arrived at at 8:30 […]

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Family photos

If you were to come into my home yesterday, with none of my posse present, you would think we were just married or at least only married long enough to have an eighteen-months-old. See, our family photos painted quite a different picture from the frat house I live in now.   To clarify, we’ve been […]

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Free Saturday Activity – Lowe’s Build and Grow

Recently I was looking to get the boys out of the house. Keaton was all of two weeks old and I already had cabin fever. With the hubby swamped at work, I decided it was time to try this “mom-of-three-thing” out in public, but I needed something that was inexpensive in the event that mommy […]

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