With Carter around, it can be near impossible for anyone to get a word in. Today when I snuck off to change Keaton’s diaper, Coen followed me to the nursery and filled Carter’s shoes with some interesting stories. I love that he just accepts any of my suggestions! If you’re new here, you may want […]

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The 24 books of Christmas

The boys are getting old enough to really get excited about Christmas. I’ve seen so many advent calendar ideas that I wanted to try to encourage their excitement, but I know that I just don’t have the time to plan, organize and get it done so, plan B…. I purchased 24 Christmas books. Yes. I […]

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Elf on the shelf update

I had to share Carter’s response to Honah’s shenanigans the other day with Halloween candy..   I was feeding Keaton in the living room when Carter came down. He saw the candy wrappers, bent down to inspect them and then said, “Mom. I didn’t do it, but there are candy wrappers on the ground and […]

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C25K update

No, I haven’t given up yet. I’m still at my couch to 5K program. When we last left off, I was running 2x3minutes and 2×5 minutes. That’s NOTHING now. This week I’m running 25 minutes straight. It’s crazy to think about. The first 1 minute run 6 weeks post C-section I thought I might die. […]

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He’s baaaaaack!

Elf on the shelf with Halloween candy

Honah is back as promised to watch over the boys this month. He’s our Elf on a Shelf that we met last year and the boys are over the moon excited to see where he is every morning after flying to the North Pole to give his report to Santa.   This morning was something […]

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Dedicated to God

Look at these three. Not the little old lady, that’s G.G. (great-grandma Lou). The other three. The soon-to-be heartbreakers of East Vancouver. My handsome little trio was dedicated at church today and they did great! Keaton slept through the entire event, but the other two remained quiet as our congregation prayed over them and asked […]

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Heard at the frat house

Quote of the week: After realizing Carter’s car seat was in the other car, it was decided he would stay home with daddy while I ran to get lattes. I had hoped to take both “big boys” and give Chris a break with *just* the baby. Me: Coen, you get to go to Starbucks with […]

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After all, I AM a mother

When Coen came home, we had a few “issues”. He had never had toys to share, he was a biter the first week home, he stuffed his mouth so full of food he almost choked with each bite.. issues. We dealt with them and he quickly learned to share, that biting is not allowed and […]

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To the sunshine and back

Carter has been such a good big brother from day one with Keaton. If he hears Keaton cry, it’s not out of the norm for me to hear “I’ve got him Mom!” and then see him rush to Keaton, locate the pacifier and gently hush him as he gives it to Keaton “It’s okay, Keaton. […]

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2 months

I can hardly believe Keaton is 2 months old. It’s one of those feelings like, “wait, we have 3 kids?!” while also feeling “of course we’ve had Keaton for years and years!” Today we had his 2 month well-baby visit with Dr. V. Keaton checked out as perfectly healthy! He now weighs 13 lbs 10oz […]

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