Birthday Cake

*Shameless mama brag post* This is how great my boys are: At a birthday party I gave them a piece of cake to share. It was huge. I told them that they couldn’t eat all of it because it would give them a tummy ache. After a few minutes I went back to see they […]

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The littlest cousins

Jonah (a.k.a. Little Jo) came by the other day. He is 8 weeks younger than Keaton, but you can hardly tell. It doesn’t seem like he’ll get too many more hand-me-downs from Keaton. It’s going to be so fun to watch these two together!  

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Off the couch and on to 5k!

I did it! I ran my first 5k today at The Resolution Run in Battleground! *Note: I’m waving to the boys. I don’t run with my arms like that 🙂   I still can’t believe it. About 3 months ago I watched another mom run a race when her baby was *just* 6 months old. I […]

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4 months

Oh, how this little man melts my heart! We cannot believe that he is 4 months old. He is such a dream. He easily goes to sleep when the boys do, around 8, and then sleeps soundly until 7 or 7:30 in the morning. When he does wake, he doesn’t cry, he just makes enough […]

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Making a gift card thoughtful

Chris has worked at the same company for the last 7 years or so. When he first started, he was one of about 8 employees. Today, he is a partner and the company has over 130 employees and has remained on the Portland Business Journal’s Fastest Growing Companies list since being awarded #1 in 2008. […]

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The Polar Express

The Polar Express has long been one of my favorite Christmas stories. We even used it as Carter’s first birthday theme! That same year, we found out about the Mt. Hood Polar Express. We had a great time, but seriously regretted buying the cheap seats. This year, Grandma and Papa invited Carter and Coen to […]

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Our Elf on the Shelf Magic seeds

Honah has been busy keeping an eye on the Roberts boys. Some days are better than others, but for now, it appears that they are both on the “nice” list. The other day he arrived with this note and two seeds that look eerily like orange gobstoppers. The boys planted the seeds in their own […]

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Heard at the Frat House

On the way to school yesterday Carter informed me that if I needed his help with Keaton while he was at school, I just needed to call Mrs. Zoey and tell her that I needed his help. Mrs. Zoey would then allow me to come pick him up and he would come with me to […]

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Feed Just One

One of my favorite things about Facebook is the ability to spread the word about cool organizations. I was checking my newsfeed the other day and saw a friend post about Feed Just One. This organization makes it their mission to provide meals for 30 girls at a home in Uganda. It is a simple […]

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Heard at the Frat House

There was some back and forth going on in the playroom. Maybe I’m just used to one of them having to ask the other what they said so the repetition wasn’t bothering me (they both have a hard time understanding each other at different times). This time, Coen was saying something and Carter kept saying, […]

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