When mommy is away, the boys will….

For some reason the boys have decided that dance parties MUST occur in nothing but their undies. I love watching Keaton. He is so content to watch his brothers and lights up when they give him attention. Warning: LONG video 🙂 If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our email. You’ll receive […]

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Be my Guest: Love Notes

Part of what I love about my blog class (see the side bar for more info on this awesome class) is that I’m part of a Facebook group with others who are in the class. It is a great place to ask questions and get support from others who are in the blog world. With […]

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Something is not quite right

This guy. Cracks me up. He honestly came to me thinking he was dressed and ready to go for the day. He also puts his shoes on the wrong feet.every.sing.day.AND walks around in them like nothing is wrong. I have no clue how he can do it and not be uncomfortable.

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A birthday and pants on fire

My big little man turned 3 yesterday. Where does the time go? We played birthdays a bit low-key (definition of low-key: very little planning on my part) this year. We celebrated with a specially requested cake with Lightening McQueen and Tow Mater at Disney Live. On the actual date of his birthday, we invited family […]

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Easy, mess-free, cupcakes

I had to share this although I’m sure most of you will be like “duh, I already do that”. For me it was an ah-ha moment..   A while back I came across the Tovolo Pancake Pen at a store. Now, on almost any other day, I would have walked right by not wanting to […]

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Flooring, siding, roofing, oh my!

My poor blog. So neglected. Between the kids and the new house, something has to give and unfortunately, it’s the blog. I promise to get back to bragging about the kids and sharing all sorts of fun do-it-oursleves projects, but for now, I need some input.   The new house needs new siding and therefore, […]

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The Dentist

I have to share my boys’ love of the dentist if only to have proof later when they decide it is uncool to get excited about going. My boys are over-the-top in love with the dentist. Our dentist is great, but honestly, I don’t even think it is about her at all. It is all […]

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Tired baby

Oh, sweet Keaton. He really is normally a pretty quiet sleeper and has made this mama very happy by sleeping at least 9 hours a night since he was about 10 weeks old (give or take a rough night), but the other day, boy was he loud! Although he is a good night sleeper, he […]

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Diamond in the rough

We have been.busy. Three boys. The holidays. Carter’s birthday. A new house. Planning for Coen’s birthday. What? Oh. You caught that, huh? The new house part. um.. yeah.. I don’t even know where to begin so let’s just jump right into the middle shall we?   The new place:     How I see it: […]

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4 months already

Today Keaton is 4 1/2 months old. I cannot believe it. It will never cease to amaze me how fast time flies when you have children.   He had his 4 month appointment last week and is doing great. He is now 27″ and weighs 16 pounds. 95% for height and 85% for weight. For […]

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