
My mom just posted about a day with Keaton and his cousin, Jonah. I couldn’t help but see some similarities between these two and the oldest set of cousins, Carter and Isabelle.   There’s a reason the Roberts babies are chubby little cherubs. If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our email. […]

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Oh how I love how Keaton loves his brothers. He just cannot get enough of them. Just a quick eye contact is enough to have him bursting with excitement. When they sit for a minute and actually give him attention… well, there is just nothing better in his world. Here are a couple of my […]

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Heard at the frat house

************************** Some back story: Lately, Carter has been asking to learn more “adult” words. It’s not as bad as it sounds. He just wants to increase his vocabulary. To this end, we give him words at dinner and tell him what they mean. Separately, today Coen had a bit of an incident with the big […]

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Off the clock

Yes, we have to be out of our house by March 15th. Nope, we’re not all packed yet. Yes, we went on a vacation to Florida anyway. Even before Keaton was born, we decided to do something “big” for our 5 year anniversary. Last year we just went to dinner because we had treated ourselves […]

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Heard at the frat house

Coen: Mom, there’s a lot of snot in my ears. Me: Snot? In your ears? Coen: Yeah, there’s lots of them.    

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There’s no place like home

When we last left off, we were about to close on our new home and had just accepted an offer on our current home. Yeah! Then the deal on the home we were buying fell through. Ugh. We asked politely if our buyer might consider letting us keep our house, but no cigar was to […]

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Don’t waste what you do have

We have sold our house. I should try that with a bit more enthusiasm. We have sold our house! Ugh. That was fake. As excited as we are about our new place and its possibilities, I willing admit that I am sad to leave our current house. With the exception of lacking a bath tub […]

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EASY healthy eating

The boys aren’t against healthy foods. In fact, Carter always asks me if what I have served him is healthy (as if he would turn it down if I told him “no”). Where we run into problems is that the boys are not great meal-eaters. They would eat snacks all day long if I allowed […]

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Doctor’s appointment

My big boys are getting.. big. We had their 3 year and 4 year check-ups today and they did great. I warned them early that they might get some “pokes” , but told them that if they did a great job, they could pick a piece of Halloween candy when we got home (yep, still […]

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Urgent need

  John and the children of GMI September 2011 accepting the donations we took on our trip (me and little man Coen to the left) Friends, family, blog-readers-who-never-comment-but-I-love-you-anyway, your help is needed. On two of my 3 trips to Ghana in 2011, I had the chance to take donations to Great Mission International (GMI). We […]

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