Before you go freaking out about the title of my post, take a breath. Our little Roberts family is not growing again. I said “NOT”.
I was referring to our bigger family. Our extended family and how we have grown.
We recently made a trip to Reno to celebrate my sister-in-law’s college graduation (how she earned a college degree with two small children at home I have no idea, she amazes me), and got to spend time with Carter and Coen’s favorite cousins*. I’ll post more about the trip when I can, but just had to share a couple of photos. We decided one night to just throw them all in the tub together and man, did it bring back some memories.
Not even a full 4 years and have gone from 2 kids in the tub to 5 AND we didn’t even have Baby Jo for bath time (not that he could have even fit). It is funny to think what we might have been thinking when we took the first photo in 2009. We had no idea what was in store for us. What an amazing journey so far.
*Don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about Jonah (my sister’s son). I have been informed by Carter that Isabelle is his best cousin, Bronson belongs to Coen and of course, Baby Jo is all Keaton’s. Works out perfectly in his mind. So, Jonah is Keaton’s favorite cousin whether he knows it or not.
LOVE the tub pictures!!! They are all so precious!
Gramma Cupcake