We had our 2nd and final meeting with our social worker today to answer the remaining questions needed to complete the homestudy report. From here, she will complete the report (about a week), email it to our agency for review and feedback (maybe a week?), and then give it to her agency for review, feedback and printing of the 7 final copies (probably a week)!
Very exciting, but we will likely still be waiting on our FBI fingerprinting results to come back even after all of this is done. I’m a bit frustrated by this as our agency has told us that most states do not do the full FBI fingerprinting for the homestudy as we have to do it for immigration at the next stage. So, we’re being held up just because our social worker thinks we need the fingerprints. We haven’t been able to find anything that states that we actually need them..
If it is a state thing then FBI prints are required. I'm sure you could email our agency and ask them, they are very helpful if you want a local opinion. tell Bianca I sent you and I'm sure she will help! bianca@toladopt.org Not knowing is always the worst part of the process.